
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Keeping (In) Sane Caution: Icky Pictures!

I was supposed to keep track of my mouth lesions since I saw my rheumatologist two months ago. 
It was a real eye opener. Between March/April/May to date, I have had 42 mouth lesions. This is not counting the pustules that did not break open. When I saw her today, she counted 11 blisters on my tongue, under my tongue, on my gums, and on the roof of my mouth (ones that haven't broken open yet). Not every one will break open. Some become like blood blisters. Others will be underneath the skin, painful yes, but not as painful as those that open up. Those are really bad because food or drink brushes against them.

This is NOT my mouth. BUT, it looks like my mouth at times.
Yes, I get them on my lips, in my gums, on my tongue, under my tongue, on the roof (these are the WORST), in my throat, next to my teeth (try flossing with that!), after every dental procedure, after eating nuts, or accidentally using toothpaste with triclosan in it.
One of the ways they diagnose Behcet's is if you get mouth ulcers more than three times a year. hahahahahahahaha.
The joke's on me! But guess what?

I am alive and kicking. Today when I went to the clinic, I counted at least 25 people in some sort of agony: Wheelchairs, canes, walkers, or walking with help. Elderly, young people, children.
So many far, far worse off. And these were only the people with visible illness and disease. Imagine how many had "invisible illnesses"? 
I. Am. Alive. My husband is alive and doing well. How is YOUR life doing? I am jumping for joy. You should be too. Find something GREAT about today!


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