
Monday, March 11, 2013

Oh Happy/Slappy Day

Happy Day: Got a neurology appt for DH, in two days! This is cause for rejoicing because it can sometimes take weeks, if not months, to see a neurologist. This is outrageous, but inevitable. there is too many sick people and too few specialists. Sad, huh?

Slappy Day: Reading The People's Pharmacy e-newsletter and so many people wrote in about their experience with statins and the correlation between ALS and ALS-type of symptoms that they attributed to statins. It gave me pause, which is a polite way of saying "WHAT THE BLEEP?"
I plan on printing out some medical journal studies that suggest there may be a correlation, not merely relying on anecdotal evidence, and take them with us to the neurologist. I feel that there has been a victory of sorts. The new doctor we saw last week really and truly seemed to take us seriously, not just pooh-pooh DH's symptoms. He took a lot of time to listen, he got us that golden ticket referral and ordered some blood tests that might help rule out (or rule in) certain things.

More Slappiness: I got another kidney infection, almost a year to the day of the last one that sent me to the hospital for a few days. Again, almost zero warning, BUT luckily caught in time so that I was not hospitalized. YAY. Go Me. Except...more antibiotics. Ugh.

Antibiotics have their place. I know! I know! But a year ago, I got a weird lump above my eye and had to take antibiotics it started a domino effect of the kidney infection (due to the first antibiotics) and getting more of a different kind, then a bout with a wicked thing called c.difficile (due to
those antibiotic), then another round of different ones to heal the c. diff.
 (  All in all, I had 5 different kinds of antibiotics....and we wonder how we get those resistant bugs.
Don't you think it is weird that we have all kinds of cutesy pictures and poetry and songs talking about the heart, a vital organ in your body, but I can't remember one song or sweet picture about a kidney. What is up with that???? Oh wait here's one! Yay!
And hey, I DID find a cute kidney song. Admittedly amateurish but cute... (And if your kidney failed, I would give you mine...ahh sweet romance!)

I am thankfully feeling much better at this, the end of the weekend, than I did at the beginning.

Oh Happy Day...

1 comment:

  1. Good! that's good for the dr. appt. in two days! yay... hpoefully you don't get any more kidney infections either...
