It's been a little while since I posted the last time. The last time I checked, my blog had nearly reached 5,000 hits, and I was going to have a party and a cake (er, healthy of course) for every reader. But I opened it today and I totally surpassed that lofty milestone: As of today, we have reached very nearly 5,200 hits. My oh my. All I can hope is this: That it helps someone along the road.
This has been a week all over the map! My son came home on Sunday night from a Scout function and got so ill with what I assume was a norovirus: This used to be called Norwalk Virus named after a nasty outbreak in Norwalk, Ohio in 1968. However, the new accepted term seems to be norovirus, a catch-all term that can mean just about anything to anybody. We used to call it stomach-flu, a term that has fallen out of favor. For good reason too! It is NOT the same as influenza, which is a respiratory illness that was reaching epidemic stages a few weeks ago. But I digress. With norovirus, it is a lovely illness spread easily from person to person, especially in a large group and close environment. You may read that a nursing home or a school has mass illness amongst its denizens and they sometimes close the facility or quarantine and go on a bleach-cleaning frenzy. We just try to practice good hygiene, and for example, I carry hand wash when I am going on a plane, or if we eat in a buffet, I use a piece of paper to handle serving spoons so I don't touch their handles. Crazy? Maybe a little, but I would rather err on the side of caution.
My DH is still fighting symptoms of post-statin muscle pain, but he is doing so much better!
I, on the other hand, am having symptoms of a flare-up. My mouth is full of lesions, and I have an almost migraine. Almost because it is just under the surface. I am now recognizing that I have a correlation of a migraine with lesions. I feel like I am walking through a muddy field. Every step is exhausting and deliberate. I hurt so badly I want to just go to sleep. But no can do! It is a vicious circle: If you sleep during the day, you may not at night, and then you can't wake up in the morning. Blah blah blah. We soldier on.
Re: The healthy diet. Still no weight loss! BUT, I am looking on the bright side!
I feel for the first time that we are eating 99% healthy. It used to be about 60% healthy and 40% dessert and carb-y stuff i.e. breads/pasta/white rice. NO MORE! If we eat bread or tortilla wraps now, it is whole grain, whole wheat type, same goes for pasta and always brown with wild rice or other grains mixed in. We do not have butter on our bread, because we rarely eat bread. The jelly languishes in the fridge alongside the butter tub.
Why are we not losing weight? Theory: Eating more nuts/avocado/olive oil. However, with the olive oil, I carefully measure it and use a limit of 2 tablespoons for sauteing and add a veggie broth if the stir fry becomes a bit dry (instead of more oil) I measure the walnuts and we eat no more than 1/4 cup a day, usually sprinkled on oatmeal in the morning. I add chia seeds or hemp seeds or flax seed (or a combo of all three) to the oatmeal for another Omega 3 boost. It is pretty tasty and almost nutty with the extra seeds in it.
But all those goodies are kind of high in calories: 1/4 cup walnuts: 200 calories with 20 g of fat (ok, its GOOD fat which is sort of like a DRY HEAT i.e. it is still hot out and yes it is still fat) And it is still calories. I would NEVER have touched them on a formal diet years ago, but I am trying to think more about health than losing weight. Okay, that would be nice and all, but something has got to give. We are maintaining, and that in itself feels good. We shall see what happens. It has only been one month since we started this healthy diet. I will be interested in seeing what happens in the long haul.
Happy Almost 5,200 blog hits! (And a welcome to my Uzbekistan readers!)
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