
Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The post title refers to daughter #4's (D4) funny word for crazy. It has indeed been craziness around here lately. I actually got my own play-date on Friday. I had an exciting opportunity to be a "Super-model-for-a-day" (not to be confused with "Queen-for-a-Day" an old TV show where some lucky lady was picked to receive prizes galore such as a new washer and dryer! a wheelchair! <actually happened> flatware! based on audience applause for the most sobby story: I could so win that! lol) Anyhow, back to the modeling. I shop at this awesome boutique/consignment store that is a non-profit...all funds raised go to helping the homeless on our streets. The owner/operator is an amazing woman named Tanya that just exudes passion for the homeless, it is more than a nice thing she does, for her it is a true calling. Anyhow, she was given the opportunity to put on a modeling show for a women's club luncheon at an exclusive golf course here in town. Apparently, the original shop cancelled...I don't want to mention their name but it rhymes with Gordstrum's. So here is the twist: Tanya had 12 models all modeling clothing/accessories from her shop! Most everyone wore fun summer clothing, yes big brand names, all stylish, but I got the cream of the crop, a beautiful satin polka dot evening out dress (coincidentally from the above named shop) that had originally sold for $200...yeah I researched it online...I bought it for $20. I felt like a million dollars. Tanya had a make-up artist from Jafra do our make-up and the club even sprung for a lovely luncheon for us...fruit and finger-sandwiches, even some veggie ones (yay) FOR CRYING OUT LOUD PEOPLE:SUPER MODELS DON'T EAT!. Anyway, everyone was nervous, uh not me, I've done the runway hundreds of time...oh wait, I've RUN AWAY hundreds of times, guess that's not the same thing. It was so fun! All the nice ladies there were very cordial and Tanya, as usual sparkly and witty, introduced us with a short bio, then described our clothing personalizing it with comment such as "this whole outfit cost $44.00, enough to buy x number of socks or provide x number of sandwiches for the homeless ministry". Just a really great time, plus my dress rocked!
The weekend brought so-so weather on Saturday, but it didn't rain on the soccer game, bonus! Sunday was gorgeous, spent sprucing up the yard for D3's college grad party to be held in June. We made a huge dent in our outdoor clutter with a trip to Goodwill with gardening stuff we no longer need.
Monday DH had a second eye training session. Although I am not in the session, I can hear the therapist with him and she is so encouraging. He is easily discouraged by his seeming lack of ability to make his eyes work together. The therapist had this to say, and I really think this is a metaphor for life in general: "Even though it doesn't feel as if you are making progress, the fact that you are working on this is progress in itself. You may not see results right away, but your eyes are being trained nonetheless." I liked that. It could apply to so many things in our lives. Take dieting for instance, or going to the gym: It can take a LONG time to see results, but the fact you are doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING,
I had a hilarious meltdown yesterday that I wanted to mention (full disclosure). You know how it is the little stuff that adds up that can drive you over the edge? Monday was that day.
  1. The doctor's office sent us a check saying we overpaid on a bill we knew was due.Had to fix that.
  2. Some joker calls from Lexus to say they did a bad job on cleaning up after our service call and told us to bring it back in to spiff it up. We do not own a Lexus. I just felt maybe I should call him back so he could call the right person who was probably steaming mad at that point that Lexus hadn't returned her call. (Did he NOT listen to the phone message id'ing us????)
  3. The stupid wireless phone was not working.
  4. Rushing to get stuff done before appt. just made my stomach knot up.
So looking at this list, it seems so MINOR, but at the time...well, it actually was the useless phone that broke the camel's back. I start losing it, yelling that "NOTHING WORKS IN THIS HOUSE! WHY CAN'T ANYTHING JUST WORK??????"
Sweet DH looks at me with his puppy dog look and his lower lip quivering and says "Did you mean me? the not working part?" I just laughed my head off. It was one of those awesomely hysterically funny moments that just makes your day.
Love you babe.
Oh yeah: If you are in town, here's a shout-out to Tanya's shop:
The video has Tanya featured (in the hat) so you can see her and the shop. If you go there, tell her you saw it on my blog!
GHM Boutique
4711 SW Beaverton/Hillsdale Highway
Portland Oregon 97221

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